Konflik Sosial Dalam Novel Children of Blood and Bone Karya Tomi Adeyemi


  • Imas Safitri Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi




Literature, Conflict, Conflict Social


The research is entitled Social Conflict In Children Of Blood And Bone Novel By Tomi Adeyemi. The method of this research is a Descriptive Qualitative Method and uses an Objective Approach. Data collection in this research uses reading and writing techniques The theory of the research uses the theory of Soekanto (2005); the theory of Class And Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Banks & Dahrendorf (1960); and theory of The Functions Of Social Conflict, Coser (1964). The purpose of this research is; (1) To describe social conflict in Children Of Blood And Bone novel by Tomi Adeyemi. The research found three kinds of social conflict in the novel; (1) personal conflict, (2) racial conflict, and (3) social class conflict.


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How to Cite

Safitri, I. (2024). Konflik Sosial Dalam Novel Children of Blood and Bone Karya Tomi Adeyemi. Calakan : Jurnal Sastra, Bahasa, Dan Budaya, 2(2), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.61492/calakan.v2i2.161




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